
About the artist Nadežda Petrović
Nadežda Petrović (1873–1915) pioneered Serbian modernism, actively participated in the Balkan Wars and World War I, advocated women’s rights, and is regarded as one of the most significant female artists of the 20th century. Through her selfless dedication and efforts, she brought together numerous artists in collaborative exhibitions, among which the First Yugoslav Exhibition (1904) was the most widely acclaimed and monumental in scale. Petrović also significantly contributed to establishing the Society of Serbian Artists Lada (1904) and the First Yugoslav Art Colony in Sićevo (1905).

About the The drunken boat, 1927
The painting From Ubersee stands as one of Petrović’s most notable works. We see a departure from the conventions of academic realism, embracing a more naturalistic approach and the spirit of the Impressionist movement. The painting displays a sense of freedom in brushwork and color, allowing for diverse interpretations of its stylistic attributes, incorporating influences from Impressionism, Secessionism, Fauvism or Expressionism, which positions Nadežda Petrović among the pioneers of a new artistic direction – the modern painting movement in the Yugoslav art scene of the 20th century.